More Reasons Not to Do MySpace, Facebook, etc.

Be careful what you put on your MySpace profile; it could end up in the New York Times. That is, of course, assuming you do something like sleep with a married politician first. But even if you end up in the news some other way, you're going to be held accountable for ever posted on the Internet.

You know those photos of you humping the statue of Benjamin Franklin, or laying down in such a way so the Washington Monument points suggestively out of your crotch? Yes...those will end up on the nine o'clock news. In the "Activities" section, where you posted "getting violently drunk" or "getting laid" as your favorite pastimes...expect that to come back and haunt you.

Whatever you want to do with your time is your business, but this is just some advice....either take down your "zany" personal profile, or tailor it so that a potential employer, or your grandma, or the reporters from your local news media won't be intsantly slapped in the face by the fact that you're a total dipshit.

Don't use a Web site to express yourself and "take chances" that you wouldn't normally take in real, everyday life. These sites serve a valuable purpose (I guess), but don't let them become a black spot on your record is all I'm saying. If you've f*cked up somehow, chances are there is an audio recording, a surveillance video, an electronic reciept, or something else to incriminate you and make you feel like don't need stupid MySpace pictures of yourself to remove all doubt that you have no class. And if you ever want to actually get a "job" or even if your aspirations are higher, like running for office or something else, all of this E-Life could come back and bite you in the keister.

Don't be your own worst enemy.


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