Gadhafi vows "long war"

Yeah, well...the Colonel vows a lot of things. In 50 years of dictatorship, this guy's still a Colonel? You'd think he'd have made General by now. Sheesh...

Seriously, it's amazing how times change. Twenty-five years ago this guy was Public Enemy No. 1. His people were hijacking planes and promising the death of Western Civilization. Reagan had to level Gadhafi's palace to get him to shut up and behave. Fast forward to the mid-2000s...two short years ago we were hosting this guy and his bizarre, traveling circus tent full of Amazon body gaurds; we were enduring his eight-hour rants in front of the U.N.; we were hailing him as an ally in the fight against terrorism. What a joke that all seems now.

The guy should've just gotten out while he could've. Now we're going to bomb his army back to the stone age and hope for the best. The more things change, the more they stay the same...


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