I would like to apologize...to Twitter

On February 26, 2009, I wrote a blog post condemning Twitter as the latest unnecessary gimmick for our nation of committed navel-gazers. Well, I would like to apologize.

Frankly, I've always been reluctant to accept technology and I'm not sure why. But over the past few months I've started Tweeting, and I'm becoming a junkie. I'm tired of pretending I'm too smart or sophisticated too participate in something so quick, instantly gratifying, and seemingly masturbatory; I am, actually, not too good for Twitter at all.

This happens to me in life: I'm totally against some concept, idea, place, whatever...and then I actually try it and become hooked. I was also, at one time, totally against the idea of writing programs, but getting an MFA in Creative Writing has been one of the best experiences of my life. The list goes on and on. I think this characteristic shows, simultaneously, my stubbornness and my willingness to change.

So anyway...thanks Twitter, for giving input-starved people like me something to do, and someplace to share the random thoughts that run through our heads when we have no one else to express them to.

Incidentally, you can follow me @grantcatton


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