Qaddafi's personal nurse speaks out...

Another great Qaddafi article. Some interesting details about the man and his habits, and an insider's view on the Libyan revolution. Here's an excerpt:

"I got the impression that at least half the population of Libya disliked Papik [Qaddafi]. The local medical staff was jealous of us because we made three times more than they did—over $3,000 a month. It was obvious that Papik made all the decisions in his country. He is like Stalin; he has all the power and all the luxury, all for himself. When I first saw television pictures of the Egyptian revolution I thought, nobody would ever dare to rise against our Papik. But there was a chain reaction after Tunisia and Egypt. If Papik had passed his throne to his son Saif when he still had a chance, I believe that everything would have been all right. People would not be dying right now."


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