Titanic Memorial Cruise: Slapping Fate in the face...

Call me a little...um...superstitious, but isn't it tempting fate to launch a Titanic Memorial Cruise to commemorate the one and only voyage of History's Most Tragic Floating Irony?

Sure, sure...times and technologies have changed. Ships carry better radar devices, better radio systems. There will probably be support boats following the replica ship, not to mention there are 5x as many ships on the ocean now than in 1912. Hell, there probably isn't even ICE in the North Atlantic in April anymore. Nothing could possibly go wrong...right?

Does the word "Unsinkable" mean anything to you? In case you never saw the movie Titanic, or don't know your history very well, that's exactly what they said about the original ship, and look how that turned out.

Not to mention the fact they are dealing Fate an obvious slap in the face, isn't the whole thing a bit--I don't know--morbid? I support the idea of taking some ships out there to the spot to host a sort of Memorial visit or something...but still something about this whole idea just gives me the willies. You couldn't pay me enough money to get aboard that ship.


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