Weather Critique - Indianapolis, Feb. 22

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Indianapolis, IN

Hard to find anything enjoyable about this failed attempt at a Friday. This is pneumonia weather. This is "I don't even want to go outside to get the mail" weather. This is whiskey at 3:00 p.m. weather. This is "call your shrink and see if she can meet you tomorrow instead of next week" weather. Not only is it February, the most notoriously wearying and depressing Winter month in the Northeast-Midwest, but it's late-Febraury to boot: Valentie's is over, Spring Break won't be here for weeks, and we're all going out of our skulls. So do we REALLY need an ice-storm followed by a day full of depressing ice-rain?? I don't think so. The ice storm was one thing, but rain is really just a slap in the face. Way to go, February.


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