Dryanuary: Day Two

As a way to atone for my holiday sins, I've decided to abstain from alcohol for the entire month of January. I've been told this has become a "thing" and that it's called "Dryanuary." And I thought I was being so original...

Day Two

Pretty much the same as Day One. No major urges that I couldn't control. Though I did cook up a nice pork roast that would've gone perfectly with this bottle of white wine I got from some friends over Christmas.

I only realize how much alcohol has become a part of my life when I try little experiments like these. To a Frenchman or an Italian, the idea of eating a nice meal without wine would be as crass and uncivilized as eating stadium nachos without nacho cheese. But I'm not French or Italian (not really Italian, anyway). I'm American, which means I'm hell-bent on self-improvement. Even if it means denying myself something which, in moderation, would increase the quality of my life, only to cause myself even more distress and cause me to inevitably return to that thing with a ravenous desire and overindulge, leaving me to feel even worse about myself than I started. Two steps forward, one step back. Sometimes vice-versa. In my America, one's reach must always exceed ones grasp....painfully so.

So...other than a twinge of temptation, Day Two was a breeze. I'm heading to a little soiree tonight, which will be my first real test.


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