What This Election Proves

Suffice it to say, Donald Trump was not my candidate. I'm not going to spend a bunch of time crying into my beer here, but the past 36 hours have been just about the weirdest of my adult life. When I woke up yesterday, I wondered if I was living in an alternate reality. What does this election prove:

1.) First and foremost: This election proves that Liberal America, election polls, and "The Media" are completely out of touch with what's actually going on in this country. All of us who scoffed at the possibility that Trump could actually get elected should be ashamed of ourselves for our myopia and hubris. We were so busy waiting for the bus to come from the left, that it hit us from the right and ran us over. 

2.) I can never find the actual quote, and I'm starting to think it doesn't exist, but I once heard that William Randolph Hearst said [sic]: "No businessman ever went broke over-estimating the vulgarity of the general public." Meaning...again...if we thought that just because he's a misogynistic, sexist, racist (and every other type of -ist there is), loudmouth who makes it his business to offend the sensibilities of educated people every day, that meant Trump could not get elected in this country...well again, we were wrong. What I'm saying is: anger is more powerful than bad manners. 

3.) Energy and enthusiasm overrides logic and good sense. Remember when a 47-year old junior senator from Illinois, still in his first term, ran vs. a seasoned senator from Arizona with 30 years experience, who'd fought in Viet-Nam, had actual, real, foreign policy experience and every possible reason to be the next president? And remember who won? Obama. Why? Because Obama had the groundswell, the enthusiasm. The energy. The power to get people up off their asses and into the voting booths. McCain didn't have that. It wasn't about party or demographics as much as it was about enthusiasm and getting people moving. Obama activated a voting bloc or blocs (the youth, Latinos, blacks) that often prove difficult to motivate, and rode that into the White House. Well, Trump found a way to do the same thing, only with rural working-class whites. Thus, a man who has never held a political office beat out someone who has been Secretary of State, a U.S. Senator, and First Lady of the U.S. 


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