Water Review: San Pellegrino 250ml Bottle

Damn you, tiny little bottle of San Pellegrino. So little. So cute. But what are you really good for other than to make me wish I had a full bottle of Pellegrino? 

Good as a palate cleanser after a nice double espresso, I will give it that. But little else. The suave yet chaotic burst of Pellegrino bubbliness is still there, but with each sip you feel the tragedy of being that much closer to the end of the bottle, that much faster.

This is a bottle of water made specifically for the frustrated, for the meticulous, for the measurers among us with a penchant for the dainty. This water does not love you in the wild, on a sunny porch or with the raucous laughter of friends. No...much the opposite. Whatever that may be.

Best drunk in tiny, tiny sips, while forcing oneself through an unreadable and depressing Russian novel one does not want to read but feels one should, on a cold, wet day in December that promises four months of gloom and depression...or in pairs or threes and poured over ice.


news said…
Great content awesome
and i m sell online vodka Buy SAN PELLEGRINO BRAND , SMIRNOFF VODKA

You Didn't Know About San Pellegrino - they are good with vodka ... San Pellegrino Aranciata Rossa (Blood Orange)
Calcium, chloride, fluorine, lithium, magnesium, nitrogen, potassium, silicon, sodium and strontium are just a few of the most prevalent minerals found in S.Pellegrino water. The minerals are the result of the water's 30-year journey around the rocks inside the Alps. The water is so mineral heavy, that if you drank it in its purest version the aftertaste would be a bit milky, but with the addition of the CO2, that milkiness disappears completely and you're left with a crisp finish.

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