Silverado (1985)

I've been watching a ton of movies lately, cause it's been sub-freezing temperatures for the past month and it gets dark at like five. In other words... it's winter in PA.

Watched Silverado the other night. This is a Western from the mid 80s featuring Danny Glover, Kevin Costner, Kevin Kline, Jeff Goldblum (yeah, Gold B. in a Western. Believe it), Rosanna Arquette, and some others you might recognize but not know the names of. 

This film suffers from an identity crisis. It doesn't know whether it's a "serious" Western, a comedy Western, or just a fun, swashbuckling ensemble piece. It is also way too long and the plot is weak. 

It has a few too many recognizable faces in it, but not enough recognizable reasons why we should care. Kevin Kline and Jeff Goldblum are awesome and all but they don't belong in Westerns, in my opinion. 

If you wanna pass 2.5 hours just watching a bunch of actors ride around and shoot, by all means. There there is a lot of riding and a lot of shooting. But I could go the rest of my life and never watch this again. 

Some people credit this film with reviving the Western. Looking at when it was made, that stands to reason. If so, good for Silverado. But don't waste your time on this one. 


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