Bustelo K-Cup Review

I love Cafe Bustelo. And I use a Keurig machine to make coffee at work sometimes. Thus, it was only natural that eventually I got around to trying the Cafe Bustelo K-Cup version. I didn't expect to be blown away. All I expected was something vaguely approximating Cafe Bustelo...except run through a Keurig machine. 

And that's what I got. The coffee is close enough to actual Bustelo to make it feel (kind of) like you're drinking Bustelo, but you never quite lose that "I'm drinking a cup of Keurig coffee" sensation. Who knows if they even use actual Bustelo in these things? I have no idea. It tastes close enough, but then again it could also just be a cup of the standard Keurig bold roast and I'd never know the difference.

Are the Cafe Bustelo pods my first choice for how to make a cup of my sacred morning brew? No. But they're close enough that I'll keep a box of them at work for those days when I'm running late or need cup number two (or three) and feel like drinking something that at least approximates Bustelo as I know it, from a moka pot. 


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