White Lotus (HBO, 2021)


"Have you seen White Lotus?" 

-everyone in my life for the past two months

After enough people mention something to you, you're almost duty-bound to look into it. Over the Holidays (I'm guessing in the wake of the completion of Season 2) enough people told me to watch White Lotus that I had to check and see if I still had access to my friend's HBO Max account and watch it. Well, lucky for me, I did. And I binge-watched Season 1 in just one evening. Yes, that's right. I am not exactly proud to say it but I watched seven hours of television in one night. Don't act like you're too good. You've been there, too. 

I was going to write an extensive blog post about Season 1 of White Lotus, but now I've gotten sucked into Season 2, so I'm going to reserve judgement and criticism until then. 


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