2016 Pizzelle Bake

So I've been in the pizzelle baking biz for about four years now. Each year I learn something new and each year (I think) the batch gets better.

This year I used six cups of flour instead of seven or eight, and I like the results. It makes for a crispier, less doughy cookie, and that's what I like. Also I put a whopping five (5) teaspoons of anise oil and two teaspoons of anise extract in the batter. Even though at first I thought I had created anise bombs that would be inedible, after they cooled down the results were good. I've got some crispy, nicely-anised  pizzelles on my hands.

The pizzelle is fundamentally a very simple cookie and that's why I like it. It's eggs, flour, sugar, oil, anise, and baking soda. Bippity-boppity boop....Christmas.


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