What I Listen to When I Lift

Music is very important. And everyone always likes to ask the question: "What kind of music do you listen to?" But anyone who really appreciates music, and is out of their teens, probably doesn't have just one kind of music that they listen to any more. It's not junior high, in which the answer to that question put you hopelessly into one category or the other.

No, pretty much all of us who love music and are at least somewhat open-minded would answer that question and say: "Everything."

I think the better question is: "What kind of music do you listen to and in what situations?"

When I lift, I need heavy beats and/or buzz-saw guitar work to get me motivated. Thus, on my go-to lifting playlist are:

3.) The Notorious B.I.G. Ready to Die and Life After Death
4.) Jay-Z Reasonable Doubt
5.) Ultra Workout 01 (some cheesy dance club music, cause it's AWESOME)


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